Category: software


PostgreSQL DOMAIN을 이용한 효과적인 ELT 작업 가이드

PostgreSQL의 DOMAIN을 활용한 ELT 작업 수행하기 안녕하세요! 오늘은 PostgreSQL에서 DOMAIN을 사용하여 ETL(추출, 변환, 적재) 프로세스의 변주인 ELT(추출, 적재, 변환)를 어떻게 수행할 수 있는지에 대해 이야기해보겠습니다....

LostArk fishing Macro Complete (Fishing macro 3)

Now, if you just apply this post, you'll be able to use the fishing macro. ! Let's review it before entering. In the first hour, we got the mouse coordinates and stored them in init.txt along with the name of the fishing site. In the second hour, we learned how to detect exclamation points. This time, let's take the code we developed in the previous post to the Keyboard and Mouse events so that it becomes automatic fishing.